Singing Guide: Doja Cat ft. The Weeknd

Singing Guide: Doja Cat ft. The Weeknd

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn to Sing Like Doja Cat ft. The Weeknd

Doja Cat and The Weeknd's song "You Right" has been a massive hit among music fans since its release. Their unique vocal techniques, combined with a groovy beat, make the song irresistible. Doja Cat has a unique singing style with vocal fry incorporated, while The Weeknd is know for his falsetto. Let's explore some practical tips for learning how to sing like Doja Cat ft. The Weeknd and the relevant Singing Carrots resources, which will help you improve your vocal range and accuracy.

Analyze Your Voice

Before proceeding, it's significant to understand the technicalities of your voice. Singing Carrots' article, How to Analyze Your Voice, explains each detail quite brilliantly. Understanding your voice type, vocal range, register, vocal breaks, and other factors at play can help you mold your singing skills according to Doja Cat and The Weeknd.

Warm-Up Exercises

Farinelli breathing exercise outlined in this video is highly recommended as a breathing and warm-up exercise. This exercise helps you strengthen your diaphragm and improve your breath support.

Humming is a great way to promote blood circulation and enliven the vocal cords. Check out this warm-up video by Singing Carrots to add it to your singing routine.

Educational singing course offered by Singing Carrots is a comprehensive 21-lesson program that covers singing theory and practical tips. It's a great resource to incorporate in your singing journey.

Breathing Technique

Breathing is an essential part of singing; Active and Passive Breathing is an excellent resource to learn about breathing technique. By mastering breath support and respiration, you will get better control over your voice and hit the high notes with ease and comfort. You can learn more about this essential technique from this article.


Articulation has a significant effect on singing. The Finger Bite exercise in this video is a fun and effective way to practice your articulation, which will make your lyrics easier to understand.

Vocal Range and Accuracy

Singing Carrots' tools are an effective way to test your vocal range, pitch accuracy, and monitor your performance. Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test are especially relevant to enhance your singing skills.

The Vocal Pitch monitor, which helps you see your sung notes on a virtual piano, is a great resource to use when you're practicing and trying to improve your pitch accuracy.

Customize your song choice according to your vocal range and preference by taking advantage of Song Search on Singing Carrots, where you can find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Singing Styles

Doja Cat is known for incorporating vocal fry, laryngeal compression, and twang, while The Weeknd's falsetto has been a mainstay of his singing style. An excellent resource to learn more about contemporary vocal methods, including Heavy modal, Twang, and Belting, can be found in the Contemporary Vocal Techniques article.

Song Learning Tips

Singing Carrots' article on How to Learn a Song Effectively can help you master a song like "You Right" and be better aligned with Doja Cat's and The Weeknd's styles.


Learning to sing like Doja Cat ft. The Weeknd isn't easy, but using the Singing Carrots resources outlined in this article can make it a whole lot less daunting. By following some of the tips mentioned above, you will be well on your way to singing like a pro as you enjoy and dance to their hit single "You Right".

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.